When Should Your Child Begin Seeing the Dentist in Cliffwood?

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Dental Services

As you work to keep your child healthy, you know how important their oral health is. A child is much more prone to getting cavities than an adult. Cavities in a child’s teeth can be more problematic, because they not only affect the baby teeth, but the adult teeth as well. This is why good oral care is extremely important while your child is still growing. Studies have proven routine dental care and good oral hygiene can help children to grow up with healthier teeth and gums. Through this information, provided by the Dentist in Cliffwood, you can help to ensure your child’s smile is as healthy as possible.

Tips for Caring for Your Child’s Oral Health

  • One of the most important things you can do for your child’s oral health is to make sure they eat a healthy diet. When your child eats a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, they will receive the vitamins needed, for strong teeth. You should also avoid all sugary drinks and limit juice to one small cup a day.
  • Most parents are unsure of how to care for their baby’s mouth when they have no teeth. You can use a soft cloth and gently wipe your baby’s gums a couple of times a day. This keeps their gum tissue healthy and helps to encourage tooth growth.
  • Your child should begin Seeing the Dentist when he or she cuts the first tooth or around the age of one, whichever comes first. This will help to ensure your child’s smile stays healthy and any oral health concerns can be addressed as early as possible.
  • Until the age of five, you need to brush and floss your child’s teeth. When he or she becomes proficient in oral care practices, you can leave them to carry these out with supervision.

If your child is in need of a Dentist in Cliffwood, visit Aberdeenfamilydental.com. They offer dental services for the entire family and even have an emergency dentist. Contact them today, to schedule an appointment and learn how these services can help to keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy.

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