Seeing a Family Dentist in Arlington TX to Help With Wisdom Teeth

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Dental Services

Wisdom teeth are the last molars that appear around age 17 or 18. Dentists also call them “number 8” because they are the eighth teeth from the middle of the incisors. Normally, an adult person holds four, although some have only one, two or three, or none. In some cases, the operation of these teeth is inevitable. To determine your oral health, it is best to schedule a visit with a local Family dentist in Arlington TX.

The removal of wisdom teeth should be predicted in the case of problems or induced pathologies. The operation is carried out if the patient’s teeth are growing in the wrong spot or when they conceal recurring infections. This procedure can also be performed to complete an orthodontic treatment. In most cases, this “intervention” takes place in the dentist’s office. The Family dentist in Arlington TX will remove the wisdom teeth two by two and on the same side. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

During a single operation, it is also possible to extract four teeth at the same time. This must, however, be done under general anesthesia, in a clinic or hospital where technology is rampant. Before the operation, some examinations are performed, namely panoramic radiography and, in some cases, a scan of the entire jaw. When general anesthesia is provided, a consultation from the anesthesiologist is essential.

In the dentist’s office, the duration of the operation depends on the difficulties that the practitioner may encounter. In general, it lasts between 1 hour and 1 hour and a half. The practitioner begins by introducing regional anesthesia followed by local anesthesia, performing bites at the gum and the tooth. There are times when the dentist must lift the gum to expose the bone. This frees the tooth so the dentist can extract it. The operation is completed by cleaning and suturing the gum.

After the operation, it is recommended to apply ice for about ten minutes every 30 minutes. At the same time, the dentist may prescribe anti-inflammatory as well as analgesics. They will also recommend that the patient gets plenty of rest over the next day or so. The dentist will see the patient back in a week to monitor healing. Visit for more details.

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