Reasons to Be Honest With a Dentist in California MD

by | Jan 25, 2018 | Dentist

Left untreated, gingivitis can also lead to periodontitis. This is not just a problem for the periodontium because it can cause tooth loss. There is a higher risk for pregnant women because the risk of premature birth is seven times higher when gingivitis is pregnant.

Numerous studies also show a connection between periodontitis and serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, stroke, or even pancreatic cancer. What are some other things to be honest about when it comes time to visit a Dentist in California MD?

Does the patient brush their teeth twice a day?

Even small fibs regarding the frequency of brushing teeth can be found by a Dentist in California MD. The dentist can easily expose these white lies by looking at the patient’s tooth surface. If a white film, also called biofilm or plaque, collects on the tongue or on the edge of the tooth, oral health isn’t at its best.

Such issues are more easily visible to the naked eye when they are dyed. This is possible with chewable tablets, solutions or gels. Based on the color, dentists can even determine if the person has brushed within the past couple of days. Again, it’s better to stick to the truth.

Is smoking tobacco an issue?

Whether someone smokes or not, the dentist can recognize, among other things, nicotine deposits on the teeth. In addition, smokers are much more likely to suffer from inflammatory changes of the periodontium and are twice as likely to have their teeth fall out as non-smokers. Despite severe periodontitis, however, the gums often do not bleed, because the capillaries, i.e. the finest blood vessels on the mucosa, are damaged.

Since the typical symptom of gum bleeding does not occur, smokers usually notice the disease later on. But for another reason, it can be important for the patient to respond truthfully to the question of smoking: Smokers have significantly more frequent wound healing disorders. If there are major surgeries in the oral cavity, this may be detrimental to the healing process.

Also, the salivary composition is changed in smokers according to experts. When smoking, carcinogenic substances pass into the saliva and can cause oral cancer precursors to oral cancer. Contact or visit Louis B. Sachs D.D.S today.

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