Is it Time to Visit an Emergency Dentist in Port Monmouth? Common Questions that will Help You Decide

by | Jul 25, 2014 | Dentist

If you are facing a dental emergency, should you contact your dentist right away? Or should you head straight to the hospital? The bottom line is that if you are facing any type of dental emergency, it should not be ignored, as this puts you at risk for long-term damage, as well as the need for more expensive and extensive treatment later on. Some of the most common questions regarding dental issues and when you should find an Emergency Dentist in Port Monmouth are highlighted here.

What to do when you have a toothache?

If you are experiencing any degree of pain in your teeth, then you should try to rinse and floss your teeth prior to contacting a dentist. While it is okay to use a cold compress on the outside of your mouth, you should never put any type of painkiller directly against the gums, since this will likely burn the tissue. Try to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can.

What to do about a broken or chipped tooth?

If you break or chip your tooth, you need to try and collect all of the pieces. Rinse your mouth, as well as any broken pieces you have gathered. If you are bleeding at all, try to stop this by applying pressure. You need to contact your emergency dentist in Port Monmouth as soon as possible to try and repair the problem.

What to do if your tooth is knocked out?

The first thing that you should do if your tooth is knocked out is to find the tooth. Hold it by the top and rinse it with water. Do not scrub it or try to remove any tissue that is present. If possible, return the tooth to the socket. If this is not possible put it in a glass of milk and get to your dentist as soon as you can. Visit Hazlet Family Dental for more information.

The good news is that even if your tooth is not able to be reapplied, your dentist will be able to provide you with options, such as Dental Implants. These will provide you with a permanent and natural replacement for the missing tooth. No matter your dental issue, be sure to see a dentist right away to ensure the problem does not become worth.

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